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Survivor Ambassadors

Join our Survivor Ambassador Panel to share your story and connect with others.

What is the Survivor Ambassador Panel?

We established the Survivor Ambassador Panel to enable survivors to come together in a safe space to share stories, reduce isolation and develop a community.

Panel members also get involved in our work, helping to raise awareness of Honour Based Abuse, and to shape policy and practice.

Survivors of Honour Based Abuse

Hear from people who have survived Honour Based Abuse.

What is involved?

If you become a Survivor Ambassador, we will keep you informed about and involved in our work. We will invite you to events we think you will be interested in. There will be opportunities for you to tell your story at some of these, if that is something you are keen to explore.

We’ll also let you know about our campaigns so you can join in on social media, to help us bring about change.

You can chose how involved you become – you will always be in control. But your contribution, however large or small, is hugely valuable to us.

Being a Survivor Ambassador has helped me realise I am not alone and it has given me a platform where I can share my story and help others.

Survivor Ambassador, Pav

Join the Panel

If you are interested in becoming a Survivor Ambassador or would like to find out more about it, please contact us today.

Please note that our capacity to review SAP applications is currently limited. Until a permanent role for the SAP is in place, we will review applications quarterly.

Meet some of our Survivor Ambassadors

Survivors from all cultural and religious backgrounds are on the Survivor Ambassador Panel. Here, they tell their stories, in their own words.