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There are many ways you can get involved and help us end Honour Based Abuse, even if you only have a little time to give.

Little things make a big difference

We are a small team with big ambitions. With your help, we can do so much more to end Honour Based Abuse.

If you don’t have much time to spare, but would like to join forces with us, there’s plenty you can do.

If we all get involved and take action, we will have a much greater impact. Together we are stronger.

Survivor Ambassadors

The experiences of survivors is central to our work. It is vital that survivors’ voices are heard. In 2013 we established a Survivor Ambassador Panel to provide a safe space for survivors to share their stories and to rebuild their lives within a supportive community.

Become a Community Champion

If you have a little more time to give, you can become a Community Champion. You can spark conversations about Honour Based Abuse to help people understand the issues and the barriers that survivors face in speaking out.

Interested in joining our team?

Visit our vacancies page to find out more