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15th January 2024

Financial support for survivors of domestic abuse, to help victims flee and stay fled from abusers

Karma Nirvana is able to offer referrals for one-off payments to survivors of domestic abuse until March 2024

Please note that this funding is no longer available.

An additional £2 million is being distributed to allow one-off payments to survivors of domestic abuse to help them flee, and stay fled, from abusers, in partnership with the Home Office, member services and sector peers such as Karma Nirvana and Women’s Aid.

From 31st January 2024 to March 2024, survivors of domestic abuse who do not have the financial means to leave their abusers will be able to apply for a one-off payment of up to £500 via one of over 470 support services, for essential items such as groceries, nappies or support with new accommodation to help them and their children flee to safety.  This includes victims of Honour Based Abuse who need to flee to safety.

For the first time, survivors can also apply for a further one-off payment of up to £2,500 to help secure a sustainable independent future, such as putting down a deposit for rental accommodation. This could play an important role in preventing homelessness and alleviate some of the financial pressures faced by survivors, providing stability and independence.  

The fund will be delivered via referrals from a network of local frontline services in England and Wales including organisations, helplines and caseworkers who have a specialist understanding of domestic abuse. 

Karma Nirvana is one of the support services offering referrals for anyone who needs to access this fund, as well as providing any additional support via our helpline.

If you need support, please contact us via our helpline.