Today, Kashif Anwar has been convicted of Fawziyah Javed’s murder at Edinburgh High Court. Judge Lord Beckett imposed a mandatory life sentence with a minimum term of 20 years.
We pay tribute to the family for their strength and composure whilst listening to some of the most difficult details, during the trial, in the lead-up to Fawziyah’s death. Whilst the guilty verdict is welcome, and it enables the family to have closure on the trial, we also recognise how this outcome does not feel like justice, when compared to their significant loss. Yasmin Javed, Fawziyah Javed’s mother, has shared how she feels like her life sentence began on the day that her daughter was murdered.
Whilst today, Kashif Anwar has been found guilty, the Javed family recognise how his abusive behaviour was enabled and not challenged by his parents. Over the last 19 months, the family have been pleading for the Anwar family to give back Fawziyah’s possessions. Cruelly, the Anwar family have refused to return Fawziyah’s possessions.
In the trial, evidence was heard through a voice recording of Kashif Anwar, whereby he told Fawziyah that she would never get her belongings back if she left him. His parents have honoured his words, and have maliciously denied the Javed Family Fawziyah’s sentimental belongings. We will continue to support them in getting these sentimental belongings back.
Throughout the trial of Kashif Anwar, our Director and team have been by the side of the Javed family, particularly Yasmin, as they have sought justice for the murder of their precious Fawziyah. We will continue to support the family in honouring Fawziyah’s memory and will have a special remembrance at this year’s Day of Memory.