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15th May 2023

Day of Memory Conference, Leeds

Spaces are now open for the 9th Day of Memory

Tickets for our 9th Day of Memory conference are now available.

Please note that this conference is exclusively open to professionals working within statutory and voluntary sectors. A unique opportunity bringing together experts and dedicated individuals to address the current issues of Honour Based Abuse.

During the conference, we will take a moment to remember Shafilea Ahmed, whose life was tragically taken from us 20 years ago. Her story serves as a poignant reminder of the urgent need to combat Honour Based Abuse.

In addition, we will also honour the memories of more recent women, including Somaiya Begum, Fawziyah Javed, Abida Karim, and Bindu Patel. These brave women lost their lives to Honour Based Abuse, and their stories further highlight the importance of our collective efforts to raise awareness and seek justice.

As spaces for the conference are limited, we encourage you to secure your spot as soon as possible. Don’t miss out on this valuable opportunity to engage in important discussions, gain insights from experts in the field, and learn how you can make a difference in your profession.

Book your space today and join us as we remember, learn, and work together to combat Honour Based Abuse.

We appreciate your patience and look forward to sharing the complete agenda with you soon.


Learn why the Day of Memory exists