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Day of Memory 2023

Ninth Day of Memory Conference.

We are excited to announce that the ninth Day of Memory conference will be held on 14th July 2023 at the Royal Armouries in Leeds. This year’s conference is particularly significant as we mark the 30th anniversary of Karma Nirvana, which began in Jasvinder’s front room and has since grown to become a leading charity in the fight against Honour Based Abuse.

During the conference, we will look back at our journey as a charity and explore how Karma Nirvana has evolved and adapted to become the organisation we are today. The Day of Memory is marked on Shafilea Ahmed’s birthday and is an opportunity to collectively remember all of those lost to Honour Based Abuse.

On the day, we will remember Somaiya Begum, Fawziyah Javed, Abida Karim, and Bindu Patel, whose lives were tragically cut short due to Honour Based Abuse. Their stories serve as a powerful reminder of the urgent need to address this hidden issue and advocate for change.

The Day of Memory conference is a powerful and inspiring event that brings together survivors, activists, and advocates from around the UK to reflect on the past and look to the future. It is an opportunity to honour the legacy of those affected by Honour Based Abuse and to renew our drive to continue the hard work to challenge Honour Based Abuse in our own lives.

Tickets for our 9th Day of Memory conference are now available.

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