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25th January 2024

Read the Honour Based Abuse Zine

Created in collaboration between Karma Nirvana, the University of Nottingham’s Rights Lab and The Survivor Arts Community.

In 2023, Karma Nirvana collaborated with the University of Nottingham’s Rights Lab and The Survivor Arts Community to engage survivors of Honour Based Abuse in arts-based workshops, aimed at giving them the tools to express themselves and their lived experiences.  

We believe in empowering survivors and supporting them on their recovery and healing journeys. Projects like this are important for enabling survivors to tell their stories in their own way, which avoids sensationalism and re-traumatisation. It also helps build a sense of community among those with shared experience of Honour Based Abuse. 

It is also important for survivors to be involved in research on the issues that have affected them and help shape the trajectory of how we tackle Honour Based Abuse going forward. 

Survivors of Honour Based Abuse in the UK took part in six creative workshops focussing on watercolour painting, creative writing, and illustration. In each workshop, activities were open for survivors to engage in different ways, whether that related to any personal experiences or not. 

Read the Zine in the link below.