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11th July 2024

Day 4 of our Week of Memory 2024

Today, on the fouth day of our Week of Memory, we release the second of our spotlight series. We spoke with Melissa, Shafilea’s friend, shining a spotlight on Shafilea as a person outside of what happened to her.

Every year, we host our Day of Memory event, dedicated to remembering Shafilea Ahmed on her birthday, the 14th of July. Shafilea, a British-born girl, was tragically murdered by her parents at the age of 17 in 2003, due to her refusal to accept a marriage.

This year, we will be commemorating this important day through a virtual ‘Week of Memory’ campaign (#WeRemember, #WeekOfMemory), from 8th July to 14th July.

Today, on the fouth day of our Week of Memory, we release the second of our spotlight series. We spoke with Melissa, Shafilea’s friend, shining a spotlight on Shafilea as a person outside of what happened to her.

Watch the full video below.

Shining the Spotlight: Melissa for Shafilea