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8th July 2024

Day 1 of our Week of Memory 2024

Today, on the first day of our Week of Memory, the sector have come together to make an urgent plee to the new government through our ‘HBA’ General Election manifesto.

Every year, we host our Day of Memory event, dedicated to remembering Shafilea Ahmed on her birthday, the 14th of July. Shafilea, a British-born girl, was tragically murdered by her parents at the age of 17 in 2003, due to her refusal to accept a marriage.

This year, we will be commemorating this important day through a virtual ‘Week of Memory’ campaign (#WeRemember, #WeekOfMemory), from 8th July to 14th July.

Today, on the first day of our Week of Memory, the sector have come together to make an urgent plee to the new government through our ‘HBA’ General Election manifesto.

This manifesto calls for a comprehensive approach to tackle HBA, focusing on three key areas: a statutory definition and guidance, ring fenced funding for HBA specialist services, and stronger governmental accountability.

It is imperative that the next government addresses these issues with urgency and commitment. Failure to act swiftly not only perpetuates harm but also actively contributes to it.

Watch the full video below

The full manifesto video

How You Can Participate:

Read more: https://karmanirvana.org.uk/campaigns/day-of-memory/day-of-memory-2024/