Get Help For Safeguarding Professionals
How we support safeguarding professionals working with victims, and how to handle HBA.
This section is for safeguarding professionals working with victims, who have identified or suspect Honour Based Abuse.
Safeguarding professions include the following:
- Police
- Teachers
- NHS frontline e.g. nurses, doctors
- Social Care workers
You can read our guide about getting help for safeguarding below. You can also visit our FAQs for more information.
Get help for safeguarding professionals
This guide covers the following topics:
Read more about Honour Based Abuse and Karma Nirvana.
How our helpline can help safeguarding professionals support victims of HBA.
Useful resources to help safeguarding professionals handle HBA cases
Specialist support for survivors of Honour Based Abuse in Leeds
You can read the full Multi-agency statutory guidance for dealing with forced marriage and Multi-agency practice guidelines below.