Get Help For Myself
If you think you are experiencing Honour Based Abuse or facing a Forced Marriage, we can help. Read more about how we can help you.
This section is for individuals concerned about themselves and want to learn more about if they’re experiencing Honour Based Abuse.
You can read our guide about getting help for yourself below. You can also visit our FAQs for more information.
Get help for myself
This guide covers the following topics:
Read more about what Honour Based Abuse (HBA) is.
Examples of how Honour Based Abuse may appear, which can be present in many forms at the same time. Many people are affected by Honour Based Abuse, and you are not alone.
If you are concerned, we are here to listen and help. We are here for everyone, regardless of age, gender, sexuality or faith. Our national helpline is a safe and confidential service.
We are an independent charity, and even if you are signposted to us via another agency e.g. Police, our role is to uphold your wishes.
What to do if you think you’re at risk of being taken abroad to get married.
Some practical steps to take if you are worried about someone finding out which websites you have visited or accessing your emails.
People calling our helpline often tell us that we’re the first organisation to truly listen and understand what is happening to them. Many callers describe the experience as life changing.