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Policies and procedures


Safeguarding at Karma Nirvana is paramount. We uphold stringent measures to ensure the safety and well-being of all individuals accessing our services, particularly those who are vulnerable to Honour Based Abuse (HBA) and forced marriage.

Our dedicated team undergoes regular training and adheres to robust safeguarding protocols to identify and address any concerns promptly and effectively. We prioritise the empowerment and protection of survivors, providing them with a safe space to seek support, guidance, and assistance.

Read our full Safeguarding Policy.


All calls to our national Honour Based Abuse Helpline are confidential. We never share information with anyone. In exceptional circumstances, we are duty-bound to share information with appropriate authorities. These conditions are:

For more information, download a copy of our Confidentiality Policy.


Karma Nirvana is committed to providing non-discriminatory services. All complaints will be dealt with in line with our Confidentiality and Equal Opportunities policies. For more information, download a copy of our Complaints Policy.

Privacy Policy

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