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Previous Years and Quarterly data

Data from our National Honour Based Abuse Helpline.

We share the latest data gathered from our national Honour Based Abuse helpline. Our team is dedicated to providing support and guidance to those affected by Honour Based Abuse and Forced Marriage.

On this page, you can find our quarterly reports and summary reports, which provide valuable insights into the scope and prevalence of HBA in the UK. By sharing this data, we hope to raise awareness of this issue and help others to better understand the challenges facing victims and survivors.


2,346 were total cases

1,293 hours of helpline support

1,028 referrals from professionals

456 fled Honour Based Abuse

176 at threat of forced marriage overseas

210 children supported



2,289 cases

2,075 were new cases

1,358 hours of helpline support

1,048 referrals from professionals

Father’s were highest perpetrator tagged

197 children called for support



14,321 contacts (calls/emails)

2802 new cases

Single victims remained the highest caller to the helpline.
